Friday, December 19, 2008

Monday, December 15, 2008

New Kitchen

4 Months after our dishwasher leaked, soaked and molded our kitchen cabinets and floors we have a functioning kitchen!  Saturday I cooked breakfast for the first time in ages (you know it's bad when your kids ask you if you could make them pasta instead of stopping for McDonald's).  Anyway, here are a few pics of our kitchen.  It actually is more complete than these but I'm not quite that on top of my life!

Love you all,

Monday, December 1, 2008

Love to all

Hi all! Just wanted to say we hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving and we wish we could've seen you. Hopefully we'll see everyone soon!!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's been a while!

Hey everybody! I know I am horrible at keeping in contact with everyone. I have actually been really busy lately. Today looks like it is going to be a slow day, so I thought I would try to catch up on a few emails and things.

I have heard that people are looking for pictures of my beard. I actually had to trim it up the other day. So here are a few pictures I took before I trimmed.

I hope everyone is doing well. I appreciate all of your emails and notes even if I am slow responding.


Monday, November 3, 2008

This profile is a better pose for Azul. Fortunately, he is not a pit bull, he is an American Staffordshire terrier mix, so Margie gets to keep him at her apartment -- after intense efforts by many, the vet, the chiroprator, and her NICE neighbors.

Darth-dog Vader. Poor thing. He was quite a hit at the "trunk or treat" for the SEAL kids

Happy McKayla!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Proud parents!!

Great Grandma and McKayla

Aunt Michelle and Mckayla

Proud siblings holding their neices

I was going to put the picture where they are holding their own babies but, both babies were making funny I thought this one was much cuter.

McKayla and Laelia!

Only 3 months apart!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Here's a happy baby!!

The Williams Family - August 08

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Who's the baby??

Well Mom & Dad, you'll be happy to know that someone is already enjoying the car seat. Todd caught Beamer yawning as he made himself comfortable in the new fabulous seat :-)!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Allan, Azul and Margie went hiking in the nearby canyon yesterday, during the hottest part of the day. Azul found a great way to cool off in the drinking fountain by the trailhead, conveniently jumping up and landing perfectly in the pool of water that had collected in the basin. There was a group of about 12 people standing around painting the tree next to him (not pictured), and I think they thought it pretty funny that a dirty old dog was sitting in the only water source around. (I cleaned it after he was done with his soak!)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

after dinner - John's nap time and Azul's rear end.

a nice-looking bunch of people (and dog)

fun at the Zuma
tough-lookin' bikers, I'd say

Mom & Dad at Market Street. Happy about the February news!

Allan and Margie at Market Street --what's that look on their faces??? Congratulations guys

and Aunt Michelle

Here's grandpa

Laelia and happy Grandma

The whole family. Who does she look like?

Mom and baby - lookin' cute

newest granddaughter - Laelia Fay Williams!! She's very sweet.
June 16, 2008

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Yup, Mom really graduated. CSUN 2008. Do we look like future principals??

Monday, May 19, 2008

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Wood Badge Award

Safety glasses, even.

Dad Vern Okelberry

Grandpa' Wood Badge project

Dad earned his Wood Badge certificate. After a week-long leadership conference, he had to complete five major projects. One was to make hundreds of blocks for the cub scouts to use in learning bridge making.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Festival...underserving of it's full name...the Tulip Festival :)

But it is a cute picture of the four or us...well six of us if you include the babies :) Maybe we will have better luck next year. Julie does claim it is spectacular :)

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Hey everyone,
I just found out that Justin is on his way to the states right now! He does have to do some debriefing at Camp Lejuene but will hopefully be home next week! HOORAY!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The big day

Ok everyone...May 1st is the big ultrasound day!! We are very excited to find out what we are having and will let everyone know as soon as we know :-). Neither of us really has a strong feeling one way or the other, although Todd has said "boy" from the beginning. Most of our friends and family are guessing it's a girl...we'll see who's right!

Mom-FYI the date has moved up one day from what we originally told you ;-)
Tuesday we went to an American Idol viewing party for Brooke White and Olivia and Tristan were on the news! They thought that was very cool!

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Hey everybody, I added a calendar on the side and on the bottom. Please leave comments to let me know which you like better. Also, I included the San Diego weather in the calendar on the bottom to try to encourage you all to come hang out.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Hopefully it is a Good Day When You Start it with a Laugh

Tristan: "Why does Daddy have big fur all over his body?"
Kim: "I don't know"

Friday, February 29, 2008

The sun and the Scooby-Snack

Hi all of you sun-worshiping family of mine. Yes, I know it is winter but, spring has sprung (at least here in California) and I just thought all of you should know that I had another mole excised today. Not melanoma this time, but only because they caught it early. It came back atypical so they had to go back in and cut out more, only to leave me with a wonderful 1/2 scar on my calf! So, unless you want to follow suit, you better start wearing your sunscreen - you are all considered high risk because of me!

So, last weekend John took Tristan to a birthday party for a friend from preschool. I was upstairs changing when they came home. Tristan came up to talk to me and offered me a piece of his scooby snack. I took a piece, not bad, and I assumed it had been a "Scooby-do" themed birthday party. He asked me if I liked it and turned to leave. Almost as an afterthought, he turned back and asked me if I wanted the rest. "Sure", I said as I popped it in my mouth and enjoyed the last of the frosted cookie. Well, guess what? Low and behold, a scooby snack is not a cookie from a kid's birthday party, it is actually a scooby snack - a DOG TREAT! Needless to say, John and Tristan got a kick out of that and I couldn't stomach my lunch. (John swears he didn't put Tristan up to it, either)!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Family Birthday Calendar

Hi. I feel lately as if I need a blog, facebook, gmail, etc. tutor! So, here are the family birthdays, but Allan might have to play with the calendar on our blog to add these dates.

Jan 21 - Michelle
Feb 15 - Olivia
Feb 19 - Justin
Feb 20 - Todd
Mar 20 - Tristan
Mar 28 - Kim
May 15 - Dad
May 26 - Megan
May 28 - Mom
June 7 - Jocelyn
July 15 - Julie
Aug 5 - John
Sept 11 - Margie
Sept 19 - Ryan
Oct 5 - Allan

Now there are no excuses!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

shift happens

Dear Family,
View this video and you'll know what has been taking up all of my time.
I'll contribute again after I finish this dang degree.
Love, Mom

Friday, February 22, 2008

Todd's 30th Birthday!

I posted more pics on our blog from his bday. He had a great time :-)!