Monday, July 20, 2009


aunts & uncles & grandkids

The Infamous Duck Race

Did John cheat?
Can you race a chicken in the duck race?


cousins' children

Watching the 20-minute parade in Malad and catching candy thrown from the floats.

Tristan, JoJo, Olivia, McKayla, Miriam, Sophie and Izzy

Floating the creek

A clear creek and mighty cold water.

the dang watercress

That's a lot of watercress.

The old homestead (about 1930 or so)

Mom's home.
Michelle & Olivia on 4-wheeler

It was a wonderful place to grow up

Cannon kids took to it like fish to water.

Tristan walked around with the helmet on so he could be ready in case a 4-wheeler returned !!

Buehler Family Reunion
July 4, 2009
What a good-looking family!
With the bandanas for the scavenger hunt teams, you could never tell that this is a group of businesspersons, lawyers, nurses, dentists, and professors. Sort of looks like Idaho farmers to me.