Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's been a while!

Hey everybody! I know I am horrible at keeping in contact with everyone. I have actually been really busy lately. Today looks like it is going to be a slow day, so I thought I would try to catch up on a few emails and things.

I have heard that people are looking for pictures of my beard. I actually had to trim it up the other day. So here are a few pictures I took before I trimmed.

I hope everyone is doing well. I appreciate all of your emails and notes even if I am slow responding.


Monday, November 3, 2008

This profile is a better pose for Azul. Fortunately, he is not a pit bull, he is an American Staffordshire terrier mix, so Margie gets to keep him at her apartment -- after intense efforts by many, the vet, the chiroprator, and her NICE neighbors.

Darth-dog Vader. Poor thing. He was quite a hit at the "trunk or treat" for the SEAL kids

Happy McKayla!